
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” - Thomas Edison

Movement, stretches and exercise all fuel your body to function at a better level.

aging & movement

As we age, inflammation in our bodies rises. Movement helps our minds and bodies. Being present and fully engaged in movement is the key. It can be running, walking outdoors, biking, hiking, dancing or yoga. The important part is that you are focused on the movement. Regular movement decreases fatty tissue that is known to produce inflammatory substances.

Exercise helps:

  • decreases pain

  • decreases fatty tissue that causes inflammation

  • decreases anxiety & depression

  • helps obtain better sleep

  • decreases your risk of heart disease, diabetes, & stroke

  • improves you bone & muscle strength

  • reduces your risk for hip fracture

  • improves thinking

  • lowers risk of certain cancers

  • adds quality years to your life

Go for it! Time to grab some tunes or a buddy and start moving!

