select media

Sports Illustrated, sauna article interview

June 2023

First for Women magazine interview

Advil Can Trigger Inflammation — Try These 3 Natural Pain Cures Instead

March 2023

”The key to living with less pain is understanding what relieves pain, why it works, and how to achieve it”

Saloni Sharma, KevinMD Article, 2022

YouTube Interview with

Dr. Kevin Pho

“Treating Pain Without Medications”

“Current pain treatments and their deficiencies”

Saloni Sharma, KevinMD Article, 2022

Podcast: How to Improve Orthopaedic Health & Outcomes (and what to tell your patients)

“Inflammation drives pain, poorer surgical outcomes, and dysfunction. In this episode, Dr. Arjun Saxena discusses practical ways to reduce inflammation and improve orthopaedic health with Dr. Saloni Sharma, Medical Director of the Orthopaedic Integrative Health Center at Rothman Orthopaedics and author of the #1 bestseller book on orthopaedic pain, The Pain Solution.”

-Eastern Ortho On Call, Eastern Orthopaedic Association

 YouTube: Interview with Jillian Rigert, DMD, MD

“In a time where opioid use and reliance of medications are high and concerning, this is a much needed topic. I am grateful for the depths of tools and dedication Dr. Sharma has put into safer, effective solutions for prevention and relief of pain.”

Check out the video, now, and share with others seeking ways to prevent and relieve pain without the use of medications!

Podcast: InnerVoice - Dr. Foojan Zeine chats with Dr. Saloni Sharma about The Pain Solution

n this segment, Dr. Foojan chats with Dr. Sharma Saloni, MD. LAC. A double board-certified in pain management and rehabilitation medicine. She is the medical director and founder of the Orthopedic Integrative Health Center at Rothman Orthopedics and has treated thousands of patients. She is also co-chair of Pain Management and Spine Rehabilitation for the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. A popular speaker at Google and an award-winning clinical assistant professor at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, she lives near Philadelphia. More information at We will be talking about her latest book: The Pain Solution – 5 steps to relieve and prevent back pain, muscle pain, and joint pain without medication. We explore all the alternative ways of handling pain, especially the ones with you making great choices every day to create health.

  • Inner Voice - Heartfelt Chat with Dr. Foojan, Psychotherapist

Podcast: Treating Back Pain the Drug-Free Way with Pain Specialist Dr. Saloni Sharma

Are you one of the millions of adults dealing with back pain? Did the pandemic make it worse? Do you wish you could manage your pain with less or no medication? Pain specialist Dr. Saloni Sharma joins us today to talk about her new book and her drug-free approach to pain relief and prevention. Keep listening to find out lots more!

-The Hippocratic Hosts, Lisa Varghese-Kroll MD & Lanre Falusi MD

Podcast: Dr. Saloni Sharma on solution for back pain

I was so excited to talk to Dr. Sharma about back pain. Back pain is one of the most common problems of humans in general, and it does frequently bother patients with fibromyalgia. Dr. Sharma is a dual certified in Physical Medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) and Pain management. She is medical director of the Orthopedic Integrative Health Center at Rohmans Orthopedics and specializes in the NON-operative care of musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction. She recently wrote and published a BOOK on back pain called THE PAIN SOLUTION and she CAME TO MY PODCAST TO TALK ABOUT IT! You are in for a treat.

- Winning at Fibromyalgia with Martina Ziegenbein MD

Podcast: Anti-inflammatory Pain Management with Dr Saloni Sharma

Dr. Saloni Sharma is our special guest this week and you don't want to miss her interview! Dr. Sharma is an integrative pain medicine specialist and she shares practical, evidence-supported lifestyle techniques to help your patients manage their pain. As the opiate crisis rages, all physicians need to learn adjuvant non-pharmacologic techniques to help patients improve function and well-being.

Dr. Sharma's Book, The Pain Solution: 5 Steps to Relieve and Prevent Back Pain, Muscle Pain, and Joint Pain without Medication, outlines her non-pharmacologic approach to managing pain. Come learn about her 5 step program, including what she calls "microboosts" that can be used by patients (and physicians) to enhance well-being and minimize pain.

The Integrative Palliative Podcast with Delia Chiaramonte, MD

 Main Line Today, March 2022


 Main Line Today Special Editorial, December 2021


Demonstrating the vital role of physiatry throughout the health care continuum: Lessons learned from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on pain management care

Nagpal AS, Mukai A, Sharma S, PMR Journal

June 2021

“Post-pandemic life: Back to the future”

Saloni Sharma MD, KevinMD

April 2021

“A physician’s mid-career & mid-life success”

Saloni Sharma MD, KevinMD

February 2021

“The new definition of success”

Saloni Sharma MD, Medium

February 2021

“Main Line Today Top Doctor 2020”

Saloni Sharma MD, Main Line Today

November 2020

“The Quick & Sneaky Way to Lower Stress”

Saloni Sharma, Medium

November 2020

“Focus on Gratitude”

With Beau Henderson & Dr. Saloni Sharma, Thrive Global,

June 23, 2020

“Appropriate Use Criteria for the Early Screening for Psychosocial Risk and Protective Factors”

Saloni Sharma , MD, an author, American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

June 6, 2020

How To Develop Mindfulness And Serenity During Stressful Or Uncertain Times”

An interview with Saloni Sharma, MD, LAc, FAAPMR, Authority Magazine,

May 18, 2020